Hatchet 3 break-down

Hatchet 3 was the horror film of the Hatchet trilogy. It is a story about Victor Crowley, his murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder plays Victor Crowley, Brian Quinn portrays Deputy Winslow, Rileah vanderbilt portrays Misty.

The practical effects in the film are the film's biggest strengths. Hatchet 3 uses a lot less CG effects than other horror films. This allows for some truly frightening moments to be recorded throughout the film.

Kane Hodder stands out as an intimidating character. The cast provides an impressive performance. The dialogue is a bit snarky and witty to be reminiscent of a classic '80s slasher movie at moments. There are some really funny moments that offer an entertaining contrast to the heartbreaking violence.

Because the budget was $1 million, most places were reused from earlier films. The house on the lake that was used twice in the film was (blog) a prime instance. A lot of the film feels like it was recycled from other movies within the series. If you've watched Hatchet or Hatchet 2, this can sometimes make the film feel familiar.

Overall, Hatchet 3 was a good series. There were plenty of gory thrills and several great performances by the actors.

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