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Battle Star Wars Movie Review
2022May 4
A special review for May the 4th, we'll be looking at Battle Star Wars! What's that got to do with Star Wars? Well.. just look at the title! As you might have guessed from that alone, this is another little project out of The Asylum. Which of course means while the title and general genre of the movie is very specifically trying to get you to think "Star Wars" the actual content of the movie itself? Eh, really doesn't have much to do with that at all. I mean, an evil empire is crushing the galaxy and a ragtag band of rebel leaders fight back with magical forces, ancient orders of heroes and McGuffins of plot importance... but you know, other than that. Buy Battle Star Wars on Amazon Prime Video via my referral link: Find my gaming channel at    / deckershadogaming   Help support my channel at   / deckershado   Or SubscribeStar Or through a channel membership    / @deckershado   My facebook -   / deckershado   Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado Check out Ichabod Todd at    / ichabodtodd678  

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Decker Shado

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