Pinhead in the cosmos

Most horror movie goers are constantly on the lookout for the next big shock in the form of a sequel. But what happens when horror movie villains travel to space? Here are 5 horror movie villains that ventured to space. Some were successful, while others were not so much.

The Leprechaun

Despite being a sequel to the Leprechaun horror series, Leprechaun 4: In Space is the worst film in the collection. Yes, it's set in space, but that's precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. The film Leprechaun 4 is a great illustration of how an absurd idea may be elevated to the level of something really "unique." The movie is chock-full of realistic effects, imaginative killings, and Leprechaun lines that will have you rolling on the floor. Whether you're a fan of the Leprechaun series or just horror films in general, you'll want to check out Leprechaun 4: In Space.


A interesting continuation of the Hellraiser series as well as a prequel, Hellraiser: Bloodline is a must-have for fans of the franchise. The narrative jumps back and forth in time between the years 1700 and 1990, and then again between the years 2200 and 2500. My anticipation for the fourth film in the series was not very great, and let's be really honest here: the only reason I'm seeing this is so I can see more of Pinhead and the other Cenobites. A performance by Doug Bradley is something to look forward to every time because he never loses that chilly, menacing, and demonic air about him. This makes no sense, and it's hard to understand, but who cares about any of those other things anyway? Even if you are familiar with every aspect of the Hellraiser franchise, you should see Bloodline only for Pinhead's scenes because of how horrifying they are. If you like Clive Barker's prior works, such as Hellraiser or any of the others, you should definitely give this one a try. It is nonetheless a really interesting trip, despite the fact that there isn't a whole lot of logic to it.


When I heard that Critters 4 would take place in space, I was interested. I mean, how could they top the Critters movies that (news source) came before? But when I looked at the cast list, it didn't look good. Dourif, Brad? Angela Bassett? And a well-known actor from Denmark named Anders Hove? I couldn't figure out how this would work.

And when I finally saw Critters 4, my fears were proven right. It had a bad plot, bad characters, and was just a copy of other franchises set in a bad place. From a fan's point of view, what hurts the most is that the things that made the previous games interesting and unique are either gone or not there at all. Critters 4 is a huge disappointment and a total mess.


Dracula 3000 is one of the few awful horror films that are so horrible that they are almost unwatchable. I like hating Dracula 3000. Even though it's terrible for the whole of its runtime, the finale was a horrible cop-out that left me completely unhappy. Instead of being so awful it's good, "Dracula in Space" was so bad it's dreadful. The notion is entertaining, but the acting is poor and the conversation is intolerable. I suggest seeing it if you want to feel unhappy for the remainder of the day.

Also, Coolio. It has Coolio in it. Did I already say that?

Jason Voorhees

The most famous horror movie sequel in which the bad guy goes to space is Jason X. Jason Voorhees is the person, the legend, and the myth. It doesn't matter how he got into space. No one cares why he's in space. Jason being in space and ready to cause trouble is all that matters.

It is my view that Jason X is interesting to see because of the easter eggs and allusions to prior Friday the 13th films, in addition to his transformation into Uber Jason.

Even though this movie isn't for everyone, it's great for people who like campy, cheesy slasher movies.


Horror sequels are mixed. Leprechaun 4: In Space turns a stupid notion into something remarkable. Dracula 3000 is almost unwatchable. If you like horror movies, check out these space-based sequels. You could discover a new favorite horror film.

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