The misses and hits of Cocaine Bear (2023): a review.

Lady and Gentlemen put on your seatbelts, and expect a rollercoaster ride of crazy! "Cocaine Bear" is an awesome ride, in more kinds of ways. This film takes a "bear-y" true story and transforms it into an comical horror movie that will cause you to laugh, scratching your head, and contemplating the decisions made by bears and drug smugglers. Co

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Dungeons & Dragons 3 Movie Review

The Dungeons and Dragons movie disappointed the world in 2000, and Wrath of the Dragon God left everyone to believe that while a D&D movie may be a fun idea, it will never be "good" in 2005, it took until 2012 for the third attempt at a motion picture about a legendary adventure taking place in the world of the legendary game. Legendary. Legends.

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