Space monster films

Most horror movie goers are constantly on the lookout for the next big shock in the form of a sequel. But what happens when horror movie villains travel to space? Here are 5 horror movie villains that ventured to space. Some were successful, while others were not so much.

The Leprechaun

The Leprechaun film series' last entry, Leprechaun 4: In Space, is a disappointment. Yes, it's set in space, but that's precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. To put it another way, Leprechaun 4 serves as a shining example of how to take an absurd idea and convert it into something really unique. The movie is chock-full of realistic effects, imaginative killings, and Leprechaun lines that will have you rolling on the floor. Leprechaun 4: In Space is a must-see for fans of the Leprechaun franchise or horror films in general.


As a precursor and a sequel, Hellraiser: Bloodline is an interesting addition to the franchise. The plot covers three separate historical periods: the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s. Honestly, I didn't have big hopes for the fourth film in the series, and to be honest, the only reason I'm watching is to see more of Pinhead and the Cenobites. It is always a delight to watch Doug Bradley play because he retains that chilly, menacing, and demonic vibe. This makes no logic and is tough to understand, but who cares about any of those things? Even if you've watched the whole Hellraiser series, you should still see Bloodline for the frightening parts with Pinhead. If you loved Hellraiser or any of the other works by Clive Barker, you should check out this one for sure. Even though there isn't a whole lot of logic to it, it's still a tremendously interesting ride.


I have to confess that I was fascinated when I heard that Critters 4 would be set in space. How could they possible outdo the previous Critters films? But then I saw the cast list, and it didn't seem good. Dourif, Brad? What about Angela Bassett? Anders Hove, a well-known Danish actor? I simply didn't see how this could work.

And my concerns were verified when I eventually watched Critters 4. While the plot and characters weren't very memorable, it was an obvious rip-off of other popular series placed in an unpleasant locale. What truly hurts from a fan standpoint is that the very features that made the prior entries distinctive and enjoyable are either entirely stripped away or simply not there at all. Critters 4 is a terrible mess and a major letdown.


Dracula 3000 is one of those rare awful horror movies that's so horrible it's virtually unwatchable. Dracula 3000 is one of my favorite films to despise. Even though it's horrible during its whole run time my primary problem is that the conclusion was a blatant cop-out leaving me absolutely unhappy . I had thought "Dracula in Space" would be so horrible it's fantastic, but instead it was so bad it was dreadful. The notion is entertaining, but the acting is awful, and the conversation is extremely unpleasant. I suggest seeing it if you want to feel unhappy the rest of the day.

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Jason Voorhees

The most notorious follow-up in which the antagonist travels to outer space is Jason X. The man, the myth, and the legend that is Jason Voorhees is indisputable. How he got into space, it doesn't matter. No one has any idea why he's up there. Everything else doesn't matter; all that matters is that Jason is out there, ready to cause mayhem.

Jason X is, in my view, worth observing for Easter eggs and references to earlier Friday the 13th films, as well as his transformation into Uber Jason.

While not everyone will like this film, horror movie aficionados who enjoy gory, cheesy slasher movies should definitely check it out.


Sequels to horror films may be VERY inconsistent. Some follow-up films, such as Leprechaun 4: In Space, take an absurd idea and make it into something extraordinary. Some of them, like Dracula 3000, are so awful that they're hard to watch. It's absolutely worth seeing some of the more notable horror movie sequels in space (click here) if you're a lover of the genre. Who knows, you may discover a new favorite slasher film.

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