The Leprechaun traveling across space

The sequels of horror films are almost always quite successful, and fans of the subgenre are constantly eager for the next really terrifying experience. But what happens when the villains from horror movies go to outer space? Here is a list of five horror movie antagonists who traveled to outer space. While some were prosperous, others did not do so well in their endeavors.

The Leprechaun

Leprechaun 4: In Space is the series' sleeper. Yes, it's set in space, but that's what makes it awesome. Leprechaun 4 takes a ludicrous idea and makes it "unique." Practical effects, clever murders, and Leprechaun quips will have you rolling. If you like the Leprechaun series or horror flicks, watch Leprechaun 4: In Space.


Bloodline is a precursor and continuation of the series. the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s My expectations for the fourth episode were low, and I'm mainly here for Pinhead and the Cenobites. Doug Bradley always has a chilly, menacing, and demonic vibe. Who cares if it makes no sense and is hard to understand? Pinhead's moments are so horrific, you should see Bloodline even if you've watched Hellraiser. Those who enjoyed Hellraiser or other Clive Barker books should read this. Even without any logic, it's a fascinating voyage.


I must confess that I was curious when I learned that Critters 4 would take place in space. How, after all, could they beat the previous Critters films? The cast list, though, made it seem less promising when I looked at it later. Darren Dourif? Does Angela Bassett? Anders Hove, a well-known actor from Denmark? Simply put, I couldn't see how this could possibly work.

And my worst worries were realized while seeing Critters 4. The plot was poor, the characters were terrible, and the setting was a rip-off of other properties. From a fan's standpoint, what hurts the most is that the elements that made the prior installments distinctive and fun are either totally eliminated or absent. Critters 4 is a terrible disaster and a major letdown.


It's almost impossible to watch Dracula Dracula 3000 since it's so awful. I'm against Dracula 3000. Even though it's bad the whole time, I wasn't satisfied with the ending. "Dracula in Space" was awful instead of being as bad as I had anticipated. Although the idea is funny, the performance and discussion are terrible. If you want to be depressed all day, watch it.

Coolio, too. Coolio is the star. Is it true I said that?

Jason Voorhees

Jason X is the most renowned horror sequel with a space villain. Jason Voorhees (first article) is an icon. How he got there doesn't matter. Why he's in space is unknown. All that counts is Jason is in space and ready to cause mayhem.

It is my view that Jason X is interesting to see because of the easter eggs and allusions to prior Friday the 13th films, in addition to his transformation into Uber Jason.

Although this film isn't for everyone, aficionados of campy, cheesy slasher flicks will like it.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Leprechaun 4: In Space, for example, takes a preposterous concept and elevates it to a new level of creativity and hilarity. Others, like Dracula 3000, are so terrible they're virtually unwatchable. If you're a horror movie enthusiast, it's certainly worth checking out some of the most iconic horror movie sequels in space. This may be the beginning of an all-new love affair with the genre for you.

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